Registration on Bitget

Registering with Bitget exchange provides access to various features and functionalities related to cryptocurrency trading and asset management. Here are the main reasons why users register on Bitget:

Access to cryptocurrency trading

  • Spot Trading: Once registered, you will be able to buy and sell various cryptocurrencies on Bitget’s spot market.
  • Futures Trading: Bitget is known for its futures trading capabilities, which allows you to trade cryptocurrency derivatives with leverage.
  • Copytrading: Bitget offers a unique copytrading feature where you can follow the trades of successful traders and automatically copy their strategies.

Cryptocurrency Asset Management

  • Wallets and Security: Signing up allows you to create cryptocurrency wallets on the platform where you can safely store your assets.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): After registering, you can set up additional layers of security to protect your account.

Participate in investment programs

  • Steaking and Deposits: Bitget offers steaking programs and fixed deposits that allow you to earn interest on your cryptocurrency assets.
  • Investment Products: The platform may offer various investment products, such as ETFs or DeFi, available to registered users.

Participation in bonus programs and promotions

  • Welcome bonuses: After registration, users can receive welcome bonuses such as trading credits or cryptocurrency.
  • Referral programs: Registered users can invite friends to the platform and receive bonuses for each new user.

Use of educational materials and analytics

  • Educational Resources: Bitget offers tutorials, webinars, and analytics tools for users who want to improve their knowledge of cryptocurrencies and trading.
  • Analytical tools: Registered users have access to charts, indicators, and other analytical tools to improve their trading strategies.

Deposit and Withdrawal

  • Account Deposits: Only registered users can make deposits in cryptocurrency or fiat.
  • Withdrawals: Registration is required to withdraw assets from the exchange to external wallets.

Discounts on trading commissions

  • New User Discounts: New users can receive discounts on trading commissions for the first few months after signing up.
  • Zero commission promotions: Bitget may run promotions where trading commissions can be reduced or even canceled for a certain period of time.

Contests and Raffles

  • Trading Contests: Bitget often runs trading contests in which registered users can participate and win prizes.
  • Raffles: Registered users can participate in raffles and promotions where various prizes such as cryptocurrency assets or goods are given away.

Signing up for Bitget gives you access to all the features of the platform, including trading, asset management, participating in investment programs, and using educational resources. It is also a necessary step to ensure the safety of your assets and receive all the possible benefits of the platform.


Bonuses when registering on Bitget exchange

The Bitget exchange offers various bonuses and promotions for new users when registering. Here are the main bonuses that may be available:

Welcome bonuses

  • Signup Bonus: After creating an account, new users can receive a welcome bonus that may include cryptocurrency, trading credits, or other rewards.
  • First Deposit Bonus: Bitget may offer bonuses for the first deposit. The amount of the bonus depends on the deposit amount and may include trading credits, additional cryptocurrency assets, or discounts on trading fees.

Referral bonuses

Referral Program: If you register through a referral link or invite new users to the platform, you may receive referral bonuses. These bonuses may include a portion of the trading commissions paid by the invited users or a fixed bonus amount.

Bonuses for completing missions

  • New User Missions: Bitget may offer bonuses for completing certain tasks, such as first login to the app, first deposit or first trade.
  • Activity bonuses: The platform may reward user activity by offering bonuses for a certain volume of trades or the use of certain products, such as futures or staking.

Discounts on trading commissions

New User Discounts: New users can receive discounts on trading commissions within the first few months of registration.
Zero commission promotions: Bitget may run promotions during which trading commissions on certain pairs can be reduced to zero.

Participation in contests and giveaways

  • Trading contests: Bitget often organizes trading contests in which new users can participate and win prizes such as cryptocurrency or other rewards.
  • Raffles: Registering on the platform may allow you to participate in various raffles and promotions where cryptocurrency assets, goods or other prizes are given away.

Educational Bonuses

Learn & Earn: Bitget may offer bonuses for completing educational programs and tests related to cryptocurrencies and trading.

Bonuses on Bitget may vary by region and time. It is recommended to visit Bitget’s official website or check out the current offers on the platform to get the latest information on available bonuses and promotions.


How to register on the Binance exchange

Registering on the Bitget exchange is simple and only takes a few minutes. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Go to the official Bitget website

Open your browser and go to the official Bitget website
Make sure you are on the right website to avoid phishing attacks.

Step 2: Start registration

On the homepage of the website, click on the “Register” button.
You will be redirected to the account creation page.

Step 3: Enter data for registration

1. Email registration:

  • Enter your e-mail address.
  • Create a strong password (a combination of letters, numbers and special characters is recommended).
  • If you have a referral code, enter it in the appropriate field to receive signup bonuses.
  • Click “Register”

2. Register by phone number:

  • Enter your phone number, including the country code.
  • Create a password for your account.
  • Enter your referral code, if you have one.
  • Click “Register”.

Step 4: Confirm registration

Bitget will send a confirmation code to your email or phone number.
Enter the received code on the website to complete the registration process.

Step 5: Security Setup

After successful registration, you will be prompted to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) to increase the security of your account.
It is recommended that you use Google Authenticator or another similar service to obtain one-time codes.

Step 6: Identity Verification (KYC) (optional, but recommended)

In the Identity section of your personal account, you can undergo KYC to gain access to advanced features of the platform and increase your deposit and withdrawal limits.
Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the required documents (passport, driving license or ID card).

Step 7: Make a deposit and start trading

Once you have registered and set up your security settings, you can deposit into your account.
Go to the “Assets” section and select the deposit method: via cryptocurrency transfer or buying cryptocurrency using a bank card.
After depositing, you can start trading, investing or using other features of the platform.

Registering with Bitget gives you access to a wide range of services and features for trading and managing cryptocurrencies. Make sure you set up account security and, if necessary, undergo KYC to ensure full functionality of the platform.


How to pass KYC on Bitget Exchange

Passing KYC (Know Your Customer) on Bitget Exchange is necessary to increase account security, increase deposit and withdrawal limits, and access advanced features of the platform. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Sign in to your Bitget account

1. Go to the official Bitget website and log into your account using your username and password.
2. If you don’t have an account yet, register on the platform.

Step 2: Go to the verification section

1. After logging into your account, click on the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
2. Select “Identification” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Select the verification level

1. On the verification page, you will see several levels of KYC:

  • Level 1: Basic Verification (may only include proof of identity).
  • Level 2: Advanced Verification (will require uploading additional documents).

2. Select the level of verification you want to complete.

Step 4: Enter personal information

1. Enter your personal information, including your full name, date of birth, and residential address. Make sure this information matches the information on your documents.
2. Confirm the information entered and proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Upload Documents

  1. For Level 1 or Level 2 verification, select the type of document you want to use to verify your identity: Passport, Driver’s License, National ID card.
  2. Upload clear photos or scans of the front and back of the document.
  3. Address Confirmation (if required): If Bitget requires proof of address, upload a document that verifies your current residential address (such as a utility bill or bank statement).

Step 6: Personal photo or selfies (if required)

1. You may need to take and upload selfies with a document in your hand to prove your identity. Make sure your face and document are clearly visible in the photo.

Step 7: Submit for verification

1. Verify the information entered and documents uploaded.
2. Click “Submit” to submit the data for verification.

Step 8: Wait for the result

Data verification usually takes a few minutes to a few days, depending on the workload of the system.
You will be notified via email or the Bitget app about the verification result.

Completing KYC on Bitget is necessary to ensure the security of your account and to gain access to the advanced features of the platform. Make sure to provide accurate information and clear copies of documents to avoid delays in the verification process.